First word: Mom or dad?
It is a continuous and eternal struggle: it will say the word first "MOM" or "DAD”?
Admit it, the time has come when your days pass to repeat that word until exhaustion, moving my lips slowly, making spelling, sometimes screaming, with eyes and heart full of hope: "He will say, I'll be able to throw it out to say". And instead, nothing ... even today he didn't say anything more than the usual words that you don't care at all. Ah, what canceled, yet it seemed so easy when you bought the book "How to talk your son - manual to the word".
Don't worry, sooner or later that moment will come, and you can finally decree the winner at home. But we want to reassure the "loser" of the family challenge that, even if you are not the chosen, does not mean that your son wants you (or will want) less well. It is simply a matter of memory - as well as a pinch of luck. Both words "mom" and dad "are easy because they are composed of syllables that they repeat, and this repetition makes them simple words to pronounce from the phase of the lading (the moment, that is, in which the syllables begin to repeat as" but -Ma "," PA-PA "," La-la ", which began around six months).
In this regard the experts have even intervened, which are not much agree on the matter. According to the Russian linguist Roman Jakobson, the sound of "M" of "mom" would be easier to pronounce for children because they tend to do so when their mouths are engaged in sucking, bottle or breast. According to the scholar Breyne Moskowitz, on the other hand, the nasal sounds, as precisely the "M", would be more difficult to pronounce, and between 4 and 6 months, at a time when children begin to stutter to test their own language articulation skills , the sound of "DAD" "D" would be easier to pronounce because it does not force to hunt away from the nose.
However, we feel we have now that, as soon as your child will begin to pronounce the much desired word mom, this will become his favorite term and, therefore, used without any kind of moderation: when he needs something, when he's sick , when he's okay, when he's sad, when he is happy, when he is hungry, when he thirsty, when he has nothing to do and for anything else that at this moment (not) took you to mind. It also applies to dad, eh!
At that point - perhaps - you will start thinking that it was better if he had waited a little longer before starting to talk ... 😛