Breastfeeding and seeing your child grow day after day is a great emotion, but the young mothers know very well that it is not all roses and flowers, especially the early times.

Maybe he doesn't talk enough but let's say it: breastfeeding is not a simple thing! Breastfeeding is in fact an exciting period for neo-mothers, but which brings several small compromises with them.

The first month is always the most difficult, practical and time is needed because breastfeeding becomes a natural and instinctive gesture for both mother and baby. The breast is aching, it feels tired and still does not manage the amount of milk well; Furthermore, you are still not safe in choosing the most congenial position for both.


The right position

Well, a correct position can be just the first step to have a positive and relaxing breastfeeding experience. Let's first say that attacking the baby correctly means making sure that:

- he is facing his mother so that hip, shoulder and ear are in line
- She's mouth arrives at the height of the nipple
- Mom is in a relaxed position

Different positions can be taken: sitting, lying or semistraised, with different modes. The most common positions can find support from using a cushion specifically created for this time. What we are talking about are the donut-shaped cushions, with a soft tissue and compact consistency, perfect to support the newborn keeping it in a position and an ideal height, but very useful also in giving mum relief by lightening the weight for the Back, neck and arms, eliminating every tension to the muscles.


What is it for

The breast-feeding cushion is born with the precise function of supporting mom and small during the feed, offering a moment of intimacy and relaxation for both. The advantages are innumerable: from the reduction of the physical effort of the limbs to the reduction of tension and pain to the nipples due to the fact that the newborn is correctly attached instead of removing themselves to be continuously due to an uncomfortable position. It is an object that enters the top 10 of the inevitable products in the birth list of new mothers, widely recommended by pediatricians and obstetrics to initiate breastfeeding immediately.


How to use

The most common way to use the breastfeeding cushion is with the cradle position, or supporting the pillow on your abdomen, from sessions, surrounding your body; It will be much simpler in this way to support the newborn in the ideal position and without any effort of the arms.

A breastfeeding pillowit might beyour best friendDuring the moment of greater intimacy with your child.

 Mother breastfeeding newborn cushion Niimo Beta

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